How to recognize visitors to the Instagram design page

Space design is an incredibly complex process that requires a high level of knowledge and specialized training. The interior design was designed to create the most comfortable and aesthetically attractive style, as well as for the correct and ergonomic layout of furniture and accessories in the rooms.

Features of design and its purpose

We can divide the todays design project into several directions for types of premises such as:

  • apartments and houses;
  • offices;
  • commercial and entertainment facilities;
  • conference rooms.

The professional designer of interior design supervises all the processes from space planning to decoration. There are three main styles that are used in design, such as classical, modern and mixed. Any decision related to the choice of style for the decoration of the premises is what a professional does with the detailed plan because even the shade of the walls can influence the psycho-emotional state of people and their mood.

Colour specificity in the interior

Designers argue that red is a strong enough stimulus. That’s the reason why you should use it in the interior very carefully. This shade is not suitable for bedrooms and offices. At the same time, orange colour improves the mood and arouses appetite for life. It’s a good influence on the nervous system, but it’s not used very often for wall design. A green shade will calm you down and make your life more colourful. It is considered the most favourable one for the purpose of decorating the living space, as the green colour is well combined with other colours and it will allow you to realize all kinds of design projects. In order to visually expand the spaces and create a cosy living atmosphere, you can also use a colour such as blue. It has a positive impact on the level of human performance and is not irritating.

A good designer knows exactly how to combine nuances and use them to achieve an effect. For example, neutral light colours are ideal for the bedroom, but green is the best option for the rooms where children will live. In addition to the well-chosen colour scheme, balanced lighting is important in the process of creating a stylish interior, as it helps designers attract attention to certain areas, as well as making them as functional as possible.

Something to remember

When designing rooms, you must remember such factors as the purpose of a room and the number of people who will be there at the same time. The rooms, which will often be visited by people, should choose calm pastel shades, but with those rarely used, you can experiment, creating a more festive atmosphere.


You should explore the breadth of the Internet in order to look at a variety of fashion pictures. Both celebrities and ordinary people often post photos of their houses and apartments on their blogs. You can just look at them and decide what idea you’re going to take. Of course, not all people are that open to the public, and they are not going to put their personal lives on display. Even a regular photo in a social network profile can be of interest to friends or detractors. Therefore, many Instagram users want to know who was looking at their page. The developers created InStalker app just for this, and you can install it on your mobile device for free.